Home School Day At the Capitol
April 11th, 2013
Having hundreds of homeschoolers attend this Capitol Day makes the statement that South Carolina homeschool families are passionate about their children and the right to educate them at home without government intervention. Our legislators heard that, now they need to see you. Direct grassroots contact from constituents can have a tremendous impact on the political process. Legislators are more likely to act on a request when they have had direct input from their constituents. You proved that in February. It is also our opportunity to educate the legislature regarding home education and let them see what true parent-led, privately funded education looks like. You will be ambassadors for home schooling.
You can turn the day into an educational field trip for your children by touring the capitol, attending the workshops, being introduced to the South Carolina House or Senate, and touring the capital grounds and the Governor's mansion. Don't miss out on this opportunity to catch a little of the passion and vision for liberty and for homeschooling from those who have been on the front lines of the battle.
If you don't speak out for homeschooling, who will?
Join South Carolina Home Educators Association (SCHEA) for this Capitol Day tour in Columbia on April 11th, 2013. For tour information, visit their website www.schea.net, and feel free to email them at schea1@schomeeducatorsassociation.org.
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