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Updated October 10, 2015

Bits and Pieces of Information

Visit BJU During College Up Close
There's no better way to find out whether BJU is right for you than to come and visit. College Up Close is a two-day event open to everyone, whether you're from South Carolina or across the country. You will: Connect with students and faculty.  Experience residence hall life.  Visit classes and chapel.  Tour campus.  Meet an admission counselor and get answers to your college questions.
Dates:   Feb. 11-14; Feb. 18-21; Feb. 25-28; March 4-7
For more information visit:

Upstate Special Needs Homeschoolers (USNH) of South Carolina.
USNH, is a group supporting families that are homeschooling a child(ren) with different learning styles, disabilities, unique characteristics, or special circumstances.
USNH’s desire is to offer support, encouragement, resources, and opportunities for our children with special needs. We want to provide a platform that gives them the freedom to be who they are and to meet other friends along the same path.
USNH meets monthly on the 4th Tuesday of each month
From 6:00 P.M. to 7:45 p.m.
At Middle Tyger Library, 170 Groce Road, Lyman, SC 29365
*Each month we host special guest or guest speakers.
*A special needs conference is planned for the spring 2015 with SCHEA. *Additionally, we hope to see additional special needs homeschooling support groups planted from USNH in the midlands and the low country of South Carolina.
This month's meeting details are below:
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Time: 6:00 P.M.-7:45 P.M.
Location:170 Groce Road, Lyman, SC 29365
Guest Speakers: Carol Anne Swett, Writer
Here is just a brief introduction of our guest speaker:
  Carol Anne said she’d never homeschool as soon as she found out she was pregnant in 1990. God has a sense of humor. She has homeschooled two unique learners for almost 17 years. She loves mentoring homeschool moms in the trenches. She formerly moderated a moms support group for Family Touch and more recently worked with her friend, Anne Campbell, running a Literature and Composition class for 8-12th graders.
  Look for her regular byline in the print version Home Educating Family Magazine as well as a monthly byline in the 'special needs' pages of their website. She works with Teach Them Diligently as a conference blogger and has guest posts on sites such as, Homeschool Survival and Edvacation. She is most excited about two works in progress: Letters to My Sisters - 31 Days of Encouragement for Special Needs Moms as well as Dear Aspie Mom: Answers to Questions We All Ask. She can’t wait to launch these ebooks in 2015. 
The topic for this meeting is: Promises You Can Take to the Bank for Our Special Needs Kids, with a focus of weaving God's word into the fabric of our days, as a way to combat all our ‘what if’ fears of the future.

 HSLDA's high school and struggling needs consultants will present a one-day symposium for parents teaching high school at home on Saturday, November 8, 2014. Choose from multiple seminars and breakout sessions that include time for questions and answers. Parents with children in 6th-8th grades will also benefit. Register online and check out the agenda at

Classes, Lessons and Tutoring

Brass & Woodwind Lessons
Jeff Purtle teaches brass (i.e. trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, & tuba) and Mary AllyeB Purtle teaches woodwinds (i.e. oboe, flute, clarinet, bassoon, and alto saxophone).
Our students range from young beginners to experienced professional musicians and even CEOs and CFOs of major corporations. Jeff also pioneered online teaching over ten years ago and has students on all continents that he works with every week.
864-292-3532 Studio
864-354-3223 Jeff’s iPhone

TeenPact Registration Now open!
2015 Four Day Class Dates:
 (For 13 to 19 year olds)
South Carolina I: April 6-9       
South Carolina II: April 13-16

2015 One Day Class Dates:
(For 8-12 year olds)
South Carolina I: April 10       
South Carolina II: April 17

It's that time of year again! Registration is now open for the 2015 South Carolina State TeenPact classes. 

Field Trips and Activities

Spice up your routine and broaden your understanding of the Victorian era and people over a catered lunch at M&G at Heritage Green. 
November 6*
They Did What?!: A Look at Victorian Era Medicine— Dr. Dennis Pappas
 December 10
Dickens:  The Man Who Invented Christmas — Dr. Karen Rowe
Non-members - $5 for lecture only; $12 with boxed lunch
Members – lecture is free; $7 with boxed lunch
Event fees are non-refundable.

*Special evening ArtBreak hosted at the Hughes Main Library at 6 PM. Admission is free. Visit M&G's ArtBreak page for details

Color Clay Café Home School Days this year will be on Fridays, between 11am and 4pm, finishing by 5pm.  
Phone:  864-244-3445

Geography Bee is coming!
The Geography Bee is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, January 13.  A practice Bee is scheduled for Tuesday, November 18.
The practice and the Bee will be held at the Symmes branch library on Pelham Road. Practices are optional but strongly recommended. The Bee is open to all homeschooled students, 4th-8th grade. Weekly study helps will be mailed to all participants.
Sign up begins immediately. Registration is the same as last year, $10 per child, and can be paid at one of the practice times. Email us if you need the basic study guide.  Stephen and Joanna Enjaian;; 963-1560

Homeschool Day at the World of Energy
Tuesday, Oct. 21 from 10 a.m. to Noon
 Learn all about the environment at this dedicated homeschooler's day. Join representatives from Keep Oconee Beautiful and the Clemson Extension as they explore recycling, watersheds and more. Activities include rain barrel painting, ENVIRO SCAPE demonstrations, games and a special lesson on the Cherokee Indian heritage.
 Programs for K-5 through 12 Grade.  For more information visit:

Rusty Fulp from CMI
Two presentations in ONE night
Thursday, October 16th, 6:00 PM ET
Creation: Why it Matters - A Flood of Evidence
A powerful and attention-grabbing presentation on the vital importance of the Bible's history in Genesis: how it is foundational to the Gospel and relevant to our world and society.  The authority of the Bible is paramount.  Items of scientific evidence are woven into the presentation in a way that is easily understood by the layperson, as is the Gospel message.

Dinosaurs-Their Real Place in History
The Scriptures clearly teach a global catastrophic flood event.  In the Biblical flood account (Genesis 6-9), the details of the ark are given, leaving no doubt that the ark had adequate room for every animal 'kind', including dinosaurs, and the food and water needed to sustain them.  This historical account is not only upheld by the hundreds of flood traditions from all over the world, but also trillions of fossilized plants and animals buried in sedimentary rock layers all over the earth.
Greenville Presbyterian Church
711 Pendleton St.
Greenville, SC

Anderson County Museum
Phone: 864-260-4737
The Anderson County Museum is excited to offer programs for homeschooling groups of various ages.
There are grades in which social studies standards are very similar and can be combined to provide an enriching experience for students in different grade levels.  A tour can also be designed in which students are divided according to age ranges.  Docents will lead each group to highlight exhibits that correlate to appropriate standards

On Saturday, October 25 from 10am to 1 pm, the American guild of organists is hosting a "pedals, pipes, and pizza" event at Christ Church Episcopal downtown. It's geared for giving kids an introduction to organ. Free pizza for lunch, organ demo, free brief lesson for each attendant and even the opportunity for a scholarship for free organ lessons.  Contact David Turner, Organist-Choirmaster at Christ Church,

At Alligator Adventure you’ll find yourself face to face with nature’s fiercest and most beautiful animals. Located adjacent to Barefoot Landing in North Myrtle Beach, one of South Carolina’s most outstanding tourist attractions, Alligator Adventure is one of the largest facilities for reptile life in the world! Alligator adventure is also home to Gray Wolves and Red Kangaroos.  For more information visit

The First Artist of Space
Renato Moncini started his career for NASA at the Marshall Space Center in 1965 as a full-time illustrator.  Working directly under Wehrner VonBraun, 
Moncini produced thousands of renderings of rockets and machinery that NASA used to promote America's space program during the Space Race.  More than two dozen pieces will be included in this exhibition along with video and artifacts from this era when space exploration becoming a reality.
The Future Artists of Space
Alongside Mr. Moncini's works, the exhibit features original astrophotography works created by students from Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher Middle School and Sterling Middle School.  This exhibition is the culmination of "Youth Capture the Colorful Cosmos," a program completed in collaboration with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and The Children's Museum of the Upstate.
 *Lessons will be adapted to inspire at every class level.    
 Call M-F 9am-5pm: 864-233-7755, #2 schedule your class visit. 
Or, complete a registration form  and forward to Or, fax to 864.233.7790


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