Well, a new year is upon is, as is the quiet time for the PHEA office. We’ve made it through the mad rush of late July and August. We’ve also made it through the countless hours of calculating and checking GPA’s for the senior class ranking. The Palmetto Fellows submission was sent off, and we at the PHEA office are taking a deep breath and enjoying a bit of time off around the holidays.
Our little family still has a couple of weeks of Winter Break before we bring the school books out again, and I am using the time to get the house organized (again!) and do a few projects I haven’t had time to work on since school started.
And I’m thinking about school.
We are midway through our school year and it seems like a good time to take a few minutes and evaluate where we are. As I go about my little daily tasks I have been considering where each child is in each subject. And I can see how far we’ve come.
Math, that once daunting subject, is humming along quite nicely now. But I notice that in the busyness of the last semester I have not spent the time reading aloud to my kids that I would like to. Time to look over the bookshelves and find a new book to read…
I’m not the resolution making sort, and in general I’m pleased with the way school has been going. Still, here at the halfway point, it is good to stop and evaluate our progress and make a few minor tweaks in our school day.
How about your school? Are you satisfied with the progress your students are making, or are there a few minor things you need to change? Take a little time to evaluate your school before you jump back in.
May your school be blessed this new year.
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