Actually Finishing Something July
With a couple of writers in our family, I am always
interested to learn the little tricks and methods they use to overcome inertia,
shake off writer’s block and make themselves sit down and write. So I was very intrigued when my sister
mentioned that she was participating in something people in her sphere call “Actually FinishingSomething July”. The idea is to set a
goal, writing a certain number of words, or in her case finishing a couple of
scenes that have been troubling her, by the end of July.
‘What a brilliant idea!’ I thought to myself, and knowing
that my house could use a little “Actually Finishing Something” impetus, I
looked around for a suitable project.
The piles of school books covering various surfaces in our house were a
great place to start. I really needed to
sort out the books we used last year from the books I’ve been picking up for
the new year and get my lesson plans started.
Well, there’s one week left and I’m pleased to report that
my bookshelves look better than ever.
This year’s books lie together in a box waiting for me to get around to
lesson plans (Actually Writing Lesson Plans August, anyone?). Last year’s books are on the shelf waiting
for the next child to be ready for them.
All those books I borrowed from my parents when we needed more
information on a subject have been returned.
And I have the feeling of having actually accomplished something!
By why mention it here?
Not to pat myself on the back, but to encourage you. We have just a week left in July, and
incidentally until the renewal applications are due. Let’s use this last week to accomplish
something. Count up those days and make
sure you’ve done 180 (I was astonished to find that I had miscounted the first
time and came up four days short!). Have
one last look at last year’s lesson plans and make sure everything is written
down. Take a moment to gather some
examples of your students’ work in each subject as proof of the work you’ve
done. Don’t forget to write down a few
grades. Then initial those lines on the
renewal application, you’re almost finished!
With all this work done it won’t take long to finish filling
out the application. Now you can sit
back, relax and bask in the glow have finally finished something! Well done!
The office staff is here gearing up for
“Wading Through Piles of Applications August”.
“Wading Through Piles of Applications August”.
- Deborah Hartman
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