Educating Locally. Learning Communally. Living Freely.

Actually Finishing Something July


Friday, July 27, 2012

Actually Finishing Something July

With a couple of writers in our family, I am always interested to learn the little tricks and methods they use to overcome inertia, shake off writer’s block and make themselves sit down and write.  So I was very intrigued when my sister mentioned that she was participating in something  people in her sphere call “Actually FinishingSomething July”.  The idea is to set a goal, writing a certain number of words, or in her case finishing a couple of scenes that have been troubling her, by the end of July.

‘What a brilliant idea!’ I thought to myself, and knowing that my house could use a little “Actually Finishing Something” impetus, I looked around for a suitable project.  The piles of school books covering various surfaces in our house were a great place to start.  I really needed to sort out the books we used last year from the books I’ve been picking up for the new year and get my lesson plans started.

Well, there’s one week left and I’m pleased to report that my bookshelves look better than ever.  This year’s books lie together in a box waiting for me to get around to lesson plans (Actually Writing Lesson Plans August, anyone?).  Last year’s books are on the shelf waiting for the next child to be ready for them.  All those books I borrowed from my parents when we needed more information on a subject have been returned.  And I have the feeling of having actually accomplished something!

By why mention it here?  Not to pat myself on the back, but to encourage you.  We have just a week left in July, and incidentally until the renewal applications are due.  Let’s use this last week to accomplish something.  Count up those days and make sure you’ve done 180 (I was astonished to find that I had miscounted the first time and came up four days short!).  Have one last look at last year’s lesson plans and make sure everything is written down.  Take a moment to gather some examples of your students’ work in each subject as proof of the work you’ve done.  Don’t forget to write down a few grades.  Then initial those lines on the renewal application, you’re almost finished!

With all this work done it won’t take long to finish filling out the application.  Now you can sit back, relax and bask in the glow have finally finished something!  Well done!

The office staff is here gearing up for 
“Wading Through Piles of Applications August”.

- Deborah Hartman

Service Academies, National Guard & ROTC


Monday, July 23, 2012

From South Carolina Senator Lindsey O. Graham

"It is my pleasure to invite you and area home educators to learn more about our nation's prestigious Service Academies as well as post-high school opportunities with the South Carolina National Guard and ROTC.  The meeting will be Monday, August 13th, from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the South Carolina National Guard Armory in Anderson.

"Every year I have the honor of nominating ten of South Carolina's best and brightest students to our Service Adacemies.  These include the United States Air Force Academy, United States Merchant Marine Academy, United States Military Academy, and United States Naval Academy.  A student must secure a nomination in order to be eligible for an appointment to attend one of the Academies. (Note: the Coat Guard Academy is also a Service Academy, however, a nomination is not required for admission.)

"Due to the complexity of the nominations process, I want to ensure that you are familiar with the information students will need in order to apply.  Representatives from each Academy will give a brief presentation on their admissions and nominations process, and representatives from the National Guard and ROTC will provide an overview of their programs.  Afterward, you will have the opportunity to speak personally with the various representatives."

Home Educators Meeting for Anderson, Greenville, Oconee, Pickens, and Spartanburg Counties Program Overview

Learn more about Service Academies, SC National Guard, and ROTC
Hosted by US Senator Lindsey Graham
Monday, August 13th, 2012
9 am until noon
SC National Guard Armory
3111 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Anderson, SC


Overview of Academies and presentations
  • US Air Force Academy - Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • US Coast Guard Academy - New London, Connecticut
  • US Merchant Marine Academy - Kings Point, New York
  • US Military Academy at West Point - West Point, New York
  • US Naval Academy - Annapolis, Maryland

Overview of Senator Graham's Service Academy nominations process

Overview of other programs
  • SC National Guard
  • Reserved Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)



Please RSVP no later than Friday, August 3rd, to

Equal Access to Interscholastic Activities


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Equal Access to Interscholastic Activities
In 2012 South Carolina granted equal access to home school students to public school interscholastic activities.   This law allows home school students as well as students from the Governor’s schools and charter schools to participate in interscholastic activities of the school district in which they reside.
This is a law that has been long fought for by the home school community.  Now that it is in place we have a responsibility to make sure that we
1)      Understand what the law grants us AND what is doesn’t.   (It grants us access but not a guaranteed place in any sport or other activity that requires try outs.)
2)      Do the research necessary to find out the rules and regulations that apply to any student (public or home schooled) before we contact anyone about participating
3)      Represent the home schooling community by being polite and understanding as we all work together to get the necessary forms and procedures in place.
Please read the following information carefully – then reread it to make sure you did not miss anything!    


For those of you who are interested in S149--the Equal Access or Tim Tebow bill--this is the current status.  Please be aware that, while the primary concern is for athletics, this new law covers ALL extracurricular activities from second grade up. 
1.  Please download a copy of the law ( ) so that you can read it for yourself and know what it says.  Unlike many laws, this one is quite simple and straightforward.
2.  Please understand that this is new ground for everyone.  It is a work in progress and we all need to be very patient with each other, especially during this first year as both sides work through compliance.
3.  Please remember that many of the schools still don't understand all that is involved with this law.  The best place to ask questions concerning athletics is at the High School Athletic League office.  You can find information about them at Just send an email with your specific question.
4.  Please remember there are requirements for every sport that include pre-season training sessions.  Please know the schedule for the sport you are interested in participating in.  Those dates are listed on the SCHSL website also. You cannot expect to walk in the first of October to play basketball if everyone else has been working out since early summer.  The process of notification of pre-season workouts and the actual try out dates for each sport are the sole responsibility of the parent and athlete. Often times they are posted on the school’s website. Better yet, email or call the Athletic Directors (AD) or coach.
5.   Please understand that there are forms that need to be filled out.  These are normal forms that everyone no matter where they attend school is required to fill out.  You MUST fill out an Intent to Participate form. This form is located on the SC High School League website (listed above), each county’s website and on the PHEA website. This form must be in the hands of the respective county superintendent BEFORE the beginning date of each sport. Parents should expect that home schooled students should be treated just as any other student. We are not seeking special treatment. Therefore, please do not take these forms as a personal affront.  Having a cooperative attitude will go a long way in making this work while both parties work through compliance and transition issues.  While the High School Athletic League will have a basic form, each county could develop its' own forms.  It would be best to check your particular county. The form for Greenville County can also be accessed from the county’s website.
6.  In order to assure legal verification and academic eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities, parents must request a letter from their accountability group stating the student is legally home schooled in the state of SC.  The accountability group will respond to the public schools request by providing this information on accountability group letter head and signed by the head of the accountability group.  This letter will verify that the student was legally homeschooled in SC for at least a year prior to the request. Parents must also ensure academic eligibility by presenting a grade report form to the school.  A sample grade reporting form is included on site. You do not have to use this but it may help in your communication with district AD’s.
There is still some discussion on how the verification of eligibility will occur.  Right now it appears that when the family submits the Intent to Participate form, the county will contact the home school association for verification of registration and that it will be the responsibility of the parents to provide the records for grades and attendance.

We are working with several groups to provide standard forms for these records to make it easier for both the parents and the school districts.  As soon as they are available, we will post them on our website.

The Twenty-First Century


Monday, July 9, 2012

Shiny screens, glossy icons, everything at your fingertips at the click of a button.  Connect with PHEA and its Home School Resource Center affiliate by Facebook, Twitter, and email!  Yes, we are coming into the twenty-first century.  It's a crazy, space-age world and we're glad to be here with you.

More changes to come. Stay tuned! The dragon of technology has been woken.
