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The rest of my family thinks I'm a bit crazy, but I love this time of year. We have twenty-two days of school left (not that anyone is counting...), and I am busy planning for next year. I have instructors' guides and catalogs spread across the house, and raids on both grandmothers' libraries are pending.
At least part of my planning mania is fueled by the fact that May is book fair month in the Upstate, and I want to be prepared. I love books and I love to be able to purchase books at a good price. I try to use the book fairs to get a good start on what I need to purchase for the next school year. Here are some tips for making the most of the upcoming book fairs:
- Know what you need. I check my library and those available to me (the Greenville Library system, and the libraries of various family members) to see what I have, what I can borrow and what I need to buy. I make a list of the books I need to buy and bring it along to the book fairs. This keeps me focused amid a sea of beautiful books.
- Have an idea of how much you can spend (and bring plenty of small bills). Some years I set a dollar limit for myself. Other years I add another column to my "shopping" list with the price I would pay buying the book new. This allows me to decide whether to buy the book new or used. Most of the sales are cash only so plan accordingly.
- Check the publication date and decide whether an older edition of a book matters to you. I was somewhat amused by the model computer in my daughter's science book. The book was a late 90's edition and pictured a computer with a floppy drive. We used it as a springboard to a discussion of how quickly technology changes and then completed our own drawing of a more modern computer. But another time I might look for a more recent copy of the book.
- Keep your eye out for unused or lightly used workbooks. I often find copies of the workbooks I need for just a dollar or two. When you have more than one child in elementary school (where every subject seems to have its' own workbook), this can be a real money saver. Be sure to thumb through each workbook though. Some books have only a few used pages (easy enough to erase), but I have bought one or two that needed a good hour of erasing to be useable (not worth the savings in my opinion).
- If possible leave little ones at home. Most of the book fairs do not allow strollers, and the rooms can be fairly crowded. And it is very hard to look at books and keep an eye one a toddler. If you can find a babysitter you will find the shopping experience much easier. That said older children can be a real help buying books -their sharp eyes are good for spying something you might have overlooked.
- Look for one or two books that can be read right away. I use the book fairs as my major stock-up for next year, but I always try to pick up at least one or two books that we can enjoy immediately. Everyone at our house loves books so it is something akin to torture to bring home a stack of books that must wait until the fall. The books I get for immediate reading are usually a dollar or less so they don't take up much room in my budget.
- Book fairs are a two way street. So far I have only been on the buying end of book fairs, but they can be a terrific opportunity to clean out your own shelves and maybe make a little money (so you can buy more books!). Check the website for each book fair and decide where you want to sell. Each book fair has its own setup and specific rules for how to sell you books.
1. Family TOUCH's Annual Used Curriculum & Book sale will be held Tuesday, May 13th from 3:00-6:30 PM at Taylors First Baptist Church in the Fellowship Hall. This is a one-time consignment sale. Books will be arranged by subject and grade to make your shopping experience easy! A great place to get most of your curriculum needs!
Buyers, this is a CASH ONLY sale. No strollers are
permitted. Rolling carts and backpacks are fine. You do not need to sign up to
buy at the sale. Doors will open at 3:00 pm.
Seller registration up is open until May 11, 2014. You
must sign up in advance to sell books. For sign up information visit:http://www.homeschool-life.com/sc/touch/
2. Upstate Homeschool Co-op Book Sale: Monday, May 19, 2013 from
5:00- 8:00 PM in the Taylors First Baptist Fellowship Hall.
To sell your material: Sign-Ups Start May 1, @ 8:00 AM at the UHC website: https://www.homeschool-life.com/sc/upstatehomeschoolcoop/
When reserving a
table you are agreeing to:
Pay fee for the table
(correct change preferred) upon entering (Fees: Upstate Members: $5 per
table; Non-members: $10 per table).
Be ready to begin
clean up at 8:00 PM sharp
You will need clean
your table and the area around it before leaving
Someone on the book
sale team must check your table before leaving
You can bring your items anytime between 3:00-4:30 pm, but
after 4:30 the outside doors will be locked until 5:00 when the general
public will be allowed to enter.
Persons selling items @ the sale will be able to “shop” from
You may share a table but only one person should register. To
avoid confusion discuss with your partner who will register. You will be in
charge of your own table and can label your materials in whatever way you deem
best. If you have any questions, you may
contact Kendra Alexander at jandkalexander@hotmail.com
3. EHE Used Curriculum Sale: Thursday, June 12 from 4:00-7:00pm
in the Rock Springs Baptist Church Gymnasium.
This year's sale will be yard-sale style. Each family is responsible for selling their
own merchandise. Tables will be provided
by the church.
Please adhere to the following guidelines:
EHE members can sell for free. Non-EHE members: there
is a $5 rental fee. All proceeds will be
donated to the Rock Springs Foster Care Ministry. Educational Material ONLY may be sold...that
includes CDs, DVDs and Computer games.
Reading books may also be sold. The
seller is responsible for set up and clean up of your table. The seller is responsible for their own
sales, which includes bringing starter funds to make change for customers. EHE
is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged material. To sign up visit: http://www.homeschool-life.com/sc/ehe/