1. Why do you homeschool? For lots of reasons but mainly because we want to be the ones molding and shaping our children. I like them, on most days, and don’t want to send them away any sooner than is necessary! Practically, I like the tutorial aspect that home educating allows. I can speed things up for those learners who are ready to go faster. I can slow subjects down where my children who have struggles need more focus and time. Home educating allows me to give my children time to explore the world and their natural bents in a wide variety of ways. Most importantly, all the things we do each day can be filtered through a biblical worldview with the end goal being to grow and release young adults who are ready to live out their beliefs in whatever area God calls them. Doesn’t mean we always get it right by any stretch of the imagination, but we are doing it as a family and that is gravely important in grounding children in a culture gone crazy!
2. You've been homeschooling for a number of years, how has homeschooling changed since you first started? We’ve been home schooling since 1996. I think we have lost the pioneering mentality in home educating. There seems to be a trend toward just accepting what others have done instead of digging in, doing your own research to find what is best for your family and then making a decision. This is a fairly common cycle in organic movements and usually is a good thing. I’m not so sure it has been a good thing for home educating. I’ve also seen the bar lowered in the academic area with families sometimes being willing to do all the great and fun opportunities that are available except hold their child’s feet to the fire to do the hard academic work. This “bad seed” is planted in the upper elementary grades, is tested in the middle grades and then the lack of accountability with parents not being willing to make the hard decision often “blossoms” in the high school years. Working with students, I hear over and over again: I couldn’t do that work because I had to go to my job, we were traveling, I had sports practice….. All those things are good, and we also do them as a family, but the school work has to get done. College and a job won’t be very forgiving. My sons can all testify to times we kept them away from a practice or made them sit for part of a game as a result of not doing what they should do regarding their school work. I can get on a soapbox about that subject!
A good change that has happened is that because there are so many families making the choice to home educate, we have much more support in a variety of ways from people who have gone before than we did when I first started. Curriculum, workshops, conferences….in person or via the internet have exploded! They can often times be overwhelming! I still think one of the very best ways for a new person to get started is to build a relationship with someone who has a little experience under their belt. This means that those of us who have been doing this a while have to be willing to stay available for someone just starting out! That challenge is definitely still for myself!!
It seems like homeschools are much more accepted by the public now than
they were ten or fifteen years ago. Is there more work to be done
there, or do we just need to maintain the status quo?
We never need to maintain the status quo for anything we believe in.
Turn your head for a minute, and those freedoms will be gone. Public
acceptance is huge and we have made massive strides in this area. Public
acceptance as it relates to the state, turns into continued freedom to
educate. I am a firm believer in choices in education. One size does not
fit all. There are times when all types of education are a good and
proper fit for any given child on any given year. We all live real lives
and things happen from year to year that force our decision making
process. Part of the reason, in my opinion, that we have to stay so
diligent with home educating as far as public opinion goes is that it
only takes one disaster to make the news and that one example becomes a,
“See? We knew this was a bad idea. We need to stop parents being
allowed to educate their children.” Because it is not middle of the
road, so to speak, we are held to a different standard. One way that
individual families can assist with the public acceptance issue is to be
open and real. Real in our churches, our neighborhoods and the
community. Setting ourselves apart tends to perpetuate the belief that
we are all strange and want to shelter our children and I doubt any of us want that type of public opinion!
5. You are one of the founding members of the Upstate Homeschool Co-op. What led you to start the co-op?
The co-op started in my home in 1997 as a way to bring like minded
families together to study certain subjects. God’s vision was WAY bigger
than mine and I am thankful HE is the one holding the strings. I didn’t
set out to start a co-op. As more and more people found out about what
we were doing, momentum, desire, and need led to organization and well, here we are 450 students later.
7. You have also been instrumental in helping open up a variety of sports programs to homeschoolers. Tell us a little about that. Sports have been very important to my family for a variety of reasons. They were also important to Shawn Ward who UHC formed a partnership with several years back. Sports are a way for a group of people to be bigger than just their tiny circle and to give them something to rally around. They build community, give our kids opportunities to learn to be a part of a team and they certainly test our emotions and reactions in a sometimes hot fire! Our sports program is blessed with strong leadership and a model for specific sports different than traditional sports programs. In the beginning, our leadership team was hard pressed to find any program far and wide that had gone before us so our model had to be tested and developed and it is certainly always open to being reformed. We made the decision from the very beginning for it not to be open to just UHC students but to home schooling families in our community. This goes back to my belief of choice in education and that not all families need or want a co-op environment.
8. If you could give every homeschool parent one piece of advice what would it be? Enjoy the journey. It won’t always be pretty and can sometimes be sort of messy. Turns out we are sort of a messy human race. You are going to mess up. It’s ok. Learn from it and ask the Lord daily to help you focus on what is important for THAT day. He loves your children more than you do because He says He does and His promises never fail. One of the greatest joys of my life, notice I didn’t say the easiest, has been walking through this part of the passage with my children.