Educating Locally. Learning Communally. Living Freely.

Some (Belated) Thoughts on Motherhood


Thursday, May 15, 2014


   I know Mother’s Day has passed – I meant to get this out last week, but it didn’t happen.  Still, I’d like to throw in my two cents and say something about motherhood in general and motherhood as a homeschool mom in particular.  As I’ve spent the last couple of weeks thinking about what I wanted to say, and watching my kids play, I’ve decided on this:
  One of my favorite things about being a mom, and particularly a homeschool mom, is that I get to teach my kids, and then see how my teaching influences their lives.  This ranges from the mundane – “Hey Mom, I just figured out, four plus two is six!” to the slightly embarrasing - “Hey Mom, I’m your slave!  Tell me what to buy.”  Which happened in the middle of Walmart, and I was not able to explain to the world in general that we were learning about slaves in Ancient Egypt and had yet to get to the American Civil War and its implications for our own times. 
  Generally if I think about it I can tell where an off the wall comment or question is coming from.  My five year old and I had a very serious conversation the other day about whether or not pirates will be in heaven.  But I could trace his logic from our discussions about sin and the need for a Saviour to his thoughts about pirates; after all pirates are sinners right? 
  And those are the times that the little daily struggles over addition and subtration and identifying past particples are worth the trouble.  Those are the times that I can tell, no matter how much they are wiggling or appear to be daydreaming while I’m teaching; at least some of what I’m saying gets through to them.  And when I can see my children growing and learning, I know that all the time and energy I put into homeschooling pays off.
  And by sharing these little anecdotes, I know I’m not the only one with these kind of stories.  Every mom has had similar experiences.  So in honor of Mother’s Day, or maybe just because every mom needs to hear this sometimes, watch your kids – and see how you are influencing their lives.  You are doing good work. 


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